Saturday, August 30, 2008

Annoucement 30-31 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. The confirmation roster is up on the notice board. Please check if you are serving.

2. The September holiday roster is also up on the notice board, failure to serve your rostered morning mass will result in 1 demerit point. Those who serve their masses are reminded to mark their attendance.

4. There is another compulsory mass training for ALL Altar Servers This Sunday. Timings are as follows.

Group 2
8 AM

Group 4
12 PM

Group 1
1 PM

Group 3
3 PM

Group 5
4 PM

5. Failure to attend the compulsory mass training this Sunday will result in 2 demerit points, as “Acts of Irresponsibility”.
6. Training will be held in the basement chapel for all groups except group 2 and 5.
7. P.A do not have to lift Fr John’s chasuble when he sits, they will only need to lift Fr Brian’s chasuble.

Note:Exco members are to summarise the changes made for both weekday and weekend masses

Monday, August 25, 2008

Annoucements 23-24 21th Sunday in Ordianary Time ( PART 1 )

1. Please take home a copy of the newly updated contact list.
2. Servers whose family member is getting confirm this September, and would like to serve the Confirmation mass, please look for Jeremy Wong, and he will try to allocate a space for you on the confirmation mass roster.
3. There is a compulsory mass training for ALL Altar Servers This Sunday and Next Sunday. Timings are as follows.
Group 4
12 PM

Group 1
1 PM

Group 2
2 PM

Group 3
3 PM

Group 5
4 PM

4. Failure to attend the compulsory mass training this Sunday will result in 2 demerit points, as “Acts of Irresponsibility”.
5. Servers doing Gospel torches are to stand at the edge of the step when in the middle of the altar, so as to leave a space for the priest to walk.
6. Starting this week, there are a few changes made to the way you serve mass.
7. Newly-Invested servers please collect an Investiture photo from Shawn Wong this weekend.

Note Exco members are to summarise the changes made for both weekday and weekend masses

Changes in mass ( part 2 )

Changes made to Weekday masses with effect from THIS WEEK
· When lighting the altar candles, servers are to take the fire from the lamp near the tabernacle.
· To minimise movement on the altar, servers only need to bow before they stand up or sit down if they need to move around the altar. Eg. When preparing the altar.
· From now onwards, only 2 servers are needed to do Offertory.
· P.A are required to lift up the chasubles of both Fr. Brian and Fr. John when they sit down.
· Gospel reading of that mass will be read out to the servers before mass.

Changes made to Weekend masses with effect from THIS WEEK
· When lighting the altar and side candles, servers are to take the fire from the lamp near the tabernacle.
· However, when lighting the processional torches before mass, just light it using a lighter or match.
· To minimise movement on the altar, servers only need to bow before they stand up or sit down if they need to move around the altar. Eg. When preparing the altar.
· P.A are required to lift up the chasubles of both Fr. Brian and Fr. John when they sit down.
. Gospel reading of that mass will be read out to the servers before mass.