Sunday, May 31, 2009

Annoucements 30-31th May Pentecost Sunday

1. There is Altar Servers’ meeting This Sunday, 31 May, at 2pm. Please let your facilitators know if you are unable to make it.
2. Due to the few cases of swine flu in Singapore, the Altar Servers’ chalet has been officially cancelled.
3. Servers are to bring cape and sash next weekend, as it is Holy Trinity Sunday.
4. Servers are required to serve 1 morning weekday mass and 1 evening weekday mass or 2 morning masses during the June school holidays. Servers who are unable to serve are to fill in the letter of excuse, and servers will only be granted excused when the letter of excuse is approved.
5. Demerit points will be issued accordingly, if servers do not serve their required weekday masses.
6. Servers going overseas during the school holidays are reminded to submit the letter of excuse.
7. Please take note of some changes in the Sharing Groupings. Nigel Rankine, Nigel Chew and Joshua Tan Chun Heng are the new facilitators.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Annoucements 24-25th May 7th Sunday of Easter , World Communication Sunday

1.There is Altar Servers’ meeting Next Sunday, 31 May, at 2pm,
2. All Altar Servers aged 13 and above are required to attend a play entitled “Postcards from St Paul”.This Sunday, 2pm in the Parish Hall.The play is free of charge. Those who are unable to attend are to inform Joel. Servers have to report outside the sacristy at 1.30pm.
3. Servers have to return the Chalet consent form latest by This Sunday. Servers not attending the Chalet still have to submit the form.
4. Servers who have not check the contact list, please check and sign if your particulars are correct.
5. Servers are required to inform the Vestment ICs Geoffrey Tan or Bryan Khoo of their cassock sizes, if their cassocks are short.
6. Servers are required to serve 2 weekday masses during the June school holidays.
7. Servers have to bring a rosary when serving weekday mass during the month of May.
8. Servers going overseas during the school holidays are reminded to submit the letter of excuse. 9. Maximilian has left the society with immediate effect as he feels its time for him to move on. Please pray for him.
10. Servers are to take note that their facilitators will meet up with them once a month. You are welcomed to share your experiences with them and are invited to use this opportunity to know your facilitators better.
11. Please take note of some changes in the Sharing Groupings. Nigel Rankine, Nigel Chew and Joshua Tan Chun Heng are the new facilitators.

Saturday, May 23, 2009

Updated Sharing Groupings

The Sharing Groupings for 2009 have been updated. The new groupings can be downloaded from the sidebar under "Permalinks" or from the following link:

Updated Sharing Groupings

The summarised changes are as follows:

Click on image to enlarge

  • Nigel Chew, Nigel Rankine and Joshua Tan CH are new Facilitators.
  • St John Vianney is a new group that has been formed.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Announcements 16-17 May

  • Take note that Ascension Day is this Wed & Thurs, please check when you are serving. It is not counted as a weekday mass. Bring Cape and Sash
  • All Altar Servers aged 13 and above are required to attend a play entitled “Postcards from St Paul”.
    Date: Sun, 24th May
    Time: 2pm, SFX parish Hall
    The play is free of charge. Those who are unable to attend are to submit the Letter of Excuse
  • Please take a copy of the Chalet consent form and return the form latest by 24th May. Servers not attending the Chalet still have to submit the form.
  • Servers have to bring a rosary when serving weekday mass during the month of May.
  • A new copy of the contact list is out. Please check that your particulars are correct and sign. The contact list will be available for distribution from next week.
  • Servers are required to inform the Vestment ICs Geoffrey Tan or Bryan Khoo of their cassock sizes.
  • Servers are required to serve 2 weekday masses during the June school holidays
  • Servers going overseas during the school holidays are reminded to submit the letter of excuse.
  • Servers doing 2nd bells are to step up with the other servers before placing the bells at the pillar.
  • Servers are reminded to stand up and sit down after Communion has been distributed to the center aisles. This applies to all masses, including weekday, wedding and funeral masses.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Ascension Day Roster

Click on roster to enlarge

- Please report at least 30 mins before Mass.
- Ascension Day is a Holy Day of Obligation and thus, not a weekday mass.
- Bring Cape & Sash
- The sacristans of the Mass have their names bolded.
- If you need to change your Mass timing, please approach Joel, Nicholas or Shawn early to ensure that you are able to make the appropriate changes.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Annoucements 9-10 May 5th Sunday of Easter

1. Servers doing 2nd bells are to step up with the rest of the servers from their position first before putting the bells near the pillar.
2. The Servers’ chalet will not be cancelled, the new chalet consent form is out, please take back a copy and get it sign.
3. The Ascension Day roster is out; please check when you are serving. It is not counted as a weekday mass.
4. Servers have to bring a rosary when they serve their weekday masses during this month, as we will be reciting the rosary before mass.
5. Servers are to stand up and sit after the centre aisle have finish receiving Holy Communion, this applies to all masses.

Thursday, May 07, 2009

Special Events Roster (May '09)

Click on roster to enlarge.

• Be in the Sacristy half an hour before the start of mass. For the Charismatic mass, report to the back of the Parish Hall by 8.00pm sharp.
• If you are unable to serve, find a replacement and inform Matthew Ch’ng at least a week before the mass.
• These masses are counted as a weekday mass.
• The wedding masses will be held in the main church. Charismatic mass is held in the Parish Hall.

Annoucements 2-3 May Vocation Sunday

1. There is an Altar Servers’ meeting This Sunday at 2pm. Please bring a rosary.
2. There are some changes in the mass, take note that cross stays on fathers’ side, the bells has been changed to readers’ side and thanksgiving has been changed to fathers’ side.
3. After the 2nd bells have been rung, the server doing 2nd bells have to put the bell to the pillar on readers’ side.
4. Servers have to follow the precautionary measures during the swine flu outbreak, like washing of hands before mass, not shaking hands during Sign of Peace and receiving Holy Communion on the hands.