Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Christmas Outreach

The Briefing Slides and Roster for the Christmas Outreach have been updated. The updated documents can be downloaded from the following links:

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Christmas Outreach

The consent forms for the Christmas Outreach are now available for download:

The Sharing Groupings can be downloaded from the sidebar.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Christmas Outreach

The consent form for the Christmas Outreach Parent's Briefing is now available for download:

First Holy Communion Mass Roster

4 October, Sunday

Ashwin Mark
Ashley Tan
Benjamin Tay
Bryan Tan
Ethan Galistan
Gabriel Yong
Jeremy Wong
Joel Moosa
Joshua Wong
Julian Lee
Justin Quah
Raphael Theseira
Reuben Theseira

  • Be in the sacristy 15 minutes before the start of Mass
  • This Mass is counted as a weekend Mass

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Annoucements For Canteen on the 20th Of Sept

• All servers except the newly invested servers are to wear the servers’ shirt. The newly-invested servers should wear a black t-shirt on that day.
• All food contributions have to be in the canteen by 7am.
• All money donations are be placed in a marked enveloped with the server’s name and dropped off in the transparent box or pass it to any Ex-Co member. No money will be collected on the day of the canteen.
• Servers are NOT EXEMPTED from catechism class.

Annoucements 12-13th Sept 24th Sunday in Ordinary Times

1. The roster for the training of mass groups is up on the notice board, please check when you mass group is rostered. Attendance is compulsory. Group 3 & 4 servers have training This Sunday.
2. The servers’ canteen is Next Sunday, 20th Sep. The Canteen roster is out on the cupboard, please check the time you are rostered for.
3. Servers are to reply with the word ‘Amen’ after receiving communion, Amen means ‘I Believe’.
4. This Saturday 19 Sep, Group 5 is serving Novena.

Saturday, September 05, 2009

Special Events Mass Roster: September 2009

  • Be in the Sacristy half an hour before the start of mass.
  • If you are unable to serve, find a replacement and inform Matthew Ch’ng at least a week before the mass.
  • These masses are counted as a weekday mass.
  • The wedding masses will be held in the main church, Charismatic Mass will be in the Parish hall.