Monday, November 30, 2009

Annoucements 28-29th Nov 1st Sunday of Advent

1. The new cassocks have arrived, servers involve in cassock exchange are to begin exchanging their cassocks this weekend, please look for Bryan Khoo or Nicholas Lim. The cassock exchange list is on the cupboard.
2. Primary 5 and 6 servers please remember to hand in your bread run extension form this weekend. Please take the form if you have not received yet and get it signed by This Sunday.
3. Servers, who are interested in helping out in the Soup Kitchen in the morning, please write your name down. More information will be given to you by Raphael Ng soon.
4. New servers can collect their Altar Servers’ T-shirts This Sunday from either Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong. Those who have not paid for the t-shirts please pay when you get your t-shirts. It is at $12.
5. Servers who want to get a new servers’ t-shirt, please look for Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong, and please pay $12.
6. Group 1 servers are serving novena this Sat, 5th Dec.

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Christmas Outreach 2009 Updated on 07Nov

The List of approved changes for Christmas Outreach activities is out on the notice boards.
Please check if when you are rostered for Wednesday’s Bread Run.
Please take note that the Bread Run on Wednesday night will begin at 9pm instead of 8pm.
Please take note of when your group is down for rosary making. Groups are scheduled to 2 sessions lasting 2 hours each.

Annoucements, 21-22th Nov , Feast of Christ the King

s 1. The new cassocks have arrived, servers involve in cassock exchange are to begin exchanging their cassocks this weekend, please look for Bryan Khoo or Nicholas Lim. The cassock exchange list is on the cupboard.
2. The Feast Day roster is on the cupboard. Check if you are serving on the altar. Servers whose names are not on the roster are to serve on the pews. It is a Full Society mass. Report to the basement chapel by 9am.
3. The Triduum roster is on the cupboard, please check when you are rostered to serve. Bring cape and sash. There are NO 6.30am and 6.30pm masses on those 3 days.
4. Servers, who are interested in helping out in the Soup Kitchen in the morning, please write your name down. More information will be given to you by Raphael Ng soon.
5. New servers can collect their Altar Servers’ T-shirts This Sunday from either Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong. Those who have not paid for the t-shirts please pay when you get your t-shirts. It is at $12.
6. Servers who want to get a new servers’ t-shirt, please look for Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong, and please pay $12.
7. Servers aged 14 to 17, who would like to discern their vocation in life and by going for the Vocation camp on 1 – 3 Dec, please look for Raphael Ng or Shawn Wong.
8. Group 5 servers are serving novena this Sat, 28th Nov.