Monday, December 21, 2009

Roster for Christmas Eve & Day

Annoucements 12-13th Dec, 3rd Sunday of Advent

1. The Christmas Eve and Day rosters are out on the cupboard, please check when you are serving. Group 2, 3 and 4 are to serve the 7am, 9am and 11am mass respectively on Christmas Day. Bring cape and sash.
2. There is the annual Christmas Gift Exchange among the servers. Facilitators will contact the servers of their group this week, to tell them who the server will be giving to.
3. The Altar Servers Society needs all servers to fill in the dossier to update the society of any changes. The group leaders will read out the names of the servers who have not filled in the dossier.
4. Servers who want to get a new servers’ t-shirt, please look for Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong, and please pay $12.
5. Group 3 servers are serving novena this Sat, 19th Dec.

Thursday, December 10, 2009

Annoucements for Gift Exchange

1. Every server will be informed by their group facilitator soon, of who they will be giving their gift to.
2. Gift has been standardised to a minimum value of $10.
3. Please label on the gift, the server’s name that you are giving to.
4. Please get a gift by 20th Dec, you can pass the gift to Joel Moosa, Nicholas Lim.
5. Do not give chocolates as a gift.

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Bread Run (Extension)

The Bread Run (Extension) Consent Form and Roster can be downloaded from the following link: