Sunday, October 24, 2010

All Saints Day Roster

Click to enlarge

All Souls Day Roster

Click on image to enlarge

Confirmation Roster

Click on image to enlarge

Announcements 23 – 24 Oct, 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Servers Pri 6 and above are to attend the SFX Major Seminary Open House on Sun, 24 Oct 10. All are to assemble punctually for attendance taking at 1330H at the Church Porch.

2. The All Saints’ Day roster is on the cupboard, please check when you are serving. Bring cape and sash. It is not counted as weekday mass.

3. The All Souls’ Day roster is on the cupboard, please check if you are serving. Servers not on the roster can serve as well but priority will be given to the rostered servers if there are too many servers. It is not counted as a weekday mass. Servers only need to serve 1 weekday mass for that week.

4. The Confirmation roster is on the cupboard, please check if you are serving. Bring cape and sash.

5. All facilitators including new facilitators Jeremy Soh and Michael Yeo are to take a copy of the Facilitators Retreat consent form after Mass. The signed reply slip is due next Sun, 31 Oct 10. Drop it into the transparent box on the high table.

6. All facilitators including new facilitators Jeremy Soh and Michael Yeo are required to have their rosary ring sizes taken after mass. This is for the Facilitators Retreat. Exco member in charge to record the sizes

7. Servers who are done with their exams are encouraged to serve 2 weekday masses.

8. Group 3 will be serving Novena this Saturday, 30th Oct.

Saturday, October 09, 2010

Announcements 9 – 10 Oct, 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. There is a trip to the Major Seminary Open House on Sunday, 24th Oct for servers 12 years and above. Group leaders will read out the names of the servers who have to get the forms signed and returned by This Sunday.

2. Special Events roster is on the cupboard, please check if you are serving, if you cannot make it please get a replacement and let Ian Quek or Justin Yeo know at least 1 week in advance.

3. Servers who have Siblings receiving confirmation this year please give your names to any Exco member.

4. Servers who are done with their exams are encourage to serve 2 weekday masses.

5. Servers, who have ordered the Investiture photos, please collect them from Shawn Wong.

6. Servers are reminded to dress appropriately even when they are attending mass.

7. Servers are NOT ALLOWED to eat in the sacristy as it is holy grounds. Do not throw any food wrappers and drink cans in the sacristy dustbin.

8. Servers are also NOT ALLOWED to play any handphone/electronic games in the sacristy.

9. Group 1 will be serving Novena this Saturday, 16th Oct.

10. Servers serving Parish Mission Mass this week:
12th Oct, Tuesday - Michael Yeo, Nevin Hernandez, Joshua Tan Chun Heng (Sacristan)
15th Oct, Friday – Joshua Wong, Joshua Wee, Raphael Theseira (Sacristan)

Saturday, October 02, 2010

Announcements 2 – 3 Oct, 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. There is a trip to the Major Seminary Open House on Sunday, 24th Oct for servers 12 years and above. Group leaders will read out the names of the servers who have to get the forms signed and returned by Next Sunday.

2. Please check if you are sercing the Parish Mission Mass, if you cannot make it for that mass, please get a replacement and contact either Timothy Loi or Jeremy Soh at least 1 week earlier. It is counted as a weekday mass. Please mark your attendance in the Weekday evening mass File.

3. Servers who have friends interested in joining the servers, please pass them an application form and get them to submit to the reception office.

4. Special Events roster is on the cupboard, please check if you are serving, if you cannot make it please get a replacement and let Ian Quek or Justin Yeo know at least 1 week in advance.

5. Servers, who have ordered the Investiture photos, please collect them from Shawn Wong.

6. Servers are NOT ALLOWED to eat in the sacristy as it is holy grounds.

7. Servers are also NOT ALLOWED to play any handphone/electronic games in the sacristy.

8. Servers are reminded to greet priests and religious in the sacristy or around the church.

9. You can check rosters and announcements on the servers’ blog at

10. Group 5 will be serving Novena this Saturday, 9th Oct.

11. Servers serving Parish Mission Mass this week:
5th Oct, Tuesday - Ian Quek, Gerald Tan, Timothy Loi (Sacristan)
8th Oct, Friday – Carlos Limpo, Michael Yeo, Nigel Chew (Sacristan)

SFX major seminary open House

The SFX open House can be downloaded from the following link

  • SFX Major Seminary Open House 2010