Saturday, December 18, 2010

Announcements 18 – 19 Dec, 4th Sunday of Advent

1. Servers, who still have not submitted their presents for the gift exchange, are to submit by This Sunday. Please pass to Joel Moosa or Nicholas Lim.

2. Servers going to the Altar Servers Outing to the Zoo on the 21st Dec, Tuesday at 8.30am, please sign and return the form if you have not. Drop it in the transparent box.

3. The Christmas Eve and Day roster is out on the cupboard, please check when you are serving. Bring cape and sash.

4. Servers are to check their particulars on the contact list This Sunday. Please write down any changes.

5. Please pray Jonathan Ng, who is very sick and is admitted to hospital in Thailand. Please pray for his speedy recovery.

6. Servers who are having their holidays now are reminded to serve their 2 weekday masses.

7. Servers are reminded to fill up the “letter of excuse” if they are unable to serve mass due to school camps or overseas trips.

8. Group 5 is serving Novena this Saturday, 25th Dec.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Announcements 11 – 12 Dec, 3rd Sunday of Advent

1. Servers are to submit their presents for the gift exchange by This Sunday. Please pass to Joel Moosa or Nicholas Lim.

2. The Christmas Eve roster is out on the cupboard, please check when you are serving. Bring cape and sash.

3. The Baptism roster is also out on the cupboard, please check if you are serving. Bring cape and sash. Group 5 servers not on the roster are to serve another mass.

4. Servers are to check their particulars on the contact list This Sunday. Please write down any changes.

5. Servers who are having their holidays now are reminded to serve their 2 weekday masses.

6. Servers are reminded to fill up the “letter of excuse” if they are unable to serve mass due to school camps or overseas trips.

7. Group Leaders are to read out the instructions for the red packet declaration form.

8. Group 5 is serving Novena this Saturday, 18th Dec.