Saturday, April 28, 2012

Announcements 28th – 29th April 2012, 4th Sunday of Easter

1. Facilitators Day of Recollection a. All Facilitators to note that there will be a Day of Recollection conducted by Bro. Alphonsus Raj from Fri, 18 May, 8pm to Sat, 19 May, 7pm. Besides the current Facilitators, the following servers will be required to attend as well. i. Geoffrey Tan ii. Reuben Theseira iii. Joel Leong iv. Ethan Galistan v. Timothy Wong b. Those who are unable to attend are to inform Raphael Ng immediately as food will be catered for this retreat. 2. Administration (Rosters and Special Events) a. Group 1 servers will be serving the Novena service on Sat, 5th May. b. Special events roster for May has been published. 3. Archbishop’s Cup a. The following servers are to retrieve their baptismal certificates from the blue file beside the sink immediately after they have served their weekend mass. Group Leaders to ensure. (Available only after 9am mass on Sun, 29 Apr) i. Ashwin Vijayan ii. Bryan Khoo iii. David de Souza iv. Dennis Wee v. Emmanuel Er vi. Gabriel Yong vii. Joshua de Souza viii. Joshua Tan YC ix. Justin Quah x. Justin Yeo xi. Matthew Kwan xii. Randall Paul xiii. Thaniel Subash 4. Parish Retreat 2012 a. The following servers are registered for the Parish Retreat. Please submit $5 to Raphael Ng as soon as possible. b. There would be transport provided to CAYC from Church. The bus would leave SFX at 7pm sharp on Friday 4th May 12 and 8am on Sat, 5th May. Benedict Jacob Jeremy Soh Jeremy Wong Jonathan Pong Julian Lee Luke Yeo Michael Yeo Nicholas Lim Raphael Ng Raphael Theseira Reuben Theseira