Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Announcement 21-22 March 2015, 5th Sunday Of Lent

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. Group 3 will be serving the novena service next Sat, 28th March.
b. Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates.
c. Special events roster for April will be published on Wednesday, 25th March.

2. Bible Sharing
a. There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend.

3. Stations of the Cross

a. Group 4 will be serving Stations of the Cross this Friday, 27th March, at 7 pm. Please report to the sacristy by 6:30pm.
b. Servers are reminded that they are not allowed to serve the evening mass if they are rostered for stations on that particular day.

4. Holy Week

a. Rosters for Holy Week are out, please check the rosters
b. Please turn up for your training and state a reason if you cannot make it to either Joshua Wong or Matthew Kwan
c. Leaders are to bring the servers to the notice board to check the new training timings
d. Training is Compulsory, unless a valid reason given

Good Friday 2015

Good Friday 2015

Holy Thursday 2015

Holy Thursday 2015

Easter Vigil 2015

Easter Vigil 2015

Confirmation 2015

Confirmation 2015