Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Christmas Day and Christmas Eve Rosters 2105

Christmas Roster 2015

Announcements 6th -12th December 2015, 2nd Week Of Advent

6th December – 12th December 2015 (2nd Week of Advent)

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. Group 3 will be serving Novena Service next Saturday, 12th of December 2015.
b. Servers going overseas in the upcoming holidays are reminded to fill in a letter of excuse BEFORE they leave.
c. As decided by Fr. Brian, all servers on holiday are to serve two weekday masses per week.

2. Bible Sharing
a. There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 11th December, at 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend

3. Christmas Gift Exchange
a. There will be a gift exchange this year within the society. Servers will be called up over the course of the coming week and will be assigned a server to whom to will have to get a gift for.
b. Gift should be over $10 and must not be perishable (Food, drinks, etc…)
c. Servers will be asked to submit the gifts 1 week before Christmas, and gifts will be given out after each Christmas mass.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Announcements 18th – 19th April 2015, 2nd Sunday of Easter

Announcements 18th – 19th April 2015, 2nd Sunday of Easter

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. No Novena Service on the 25th of April
b. Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates
c. Special events roster for April is published, please check

2. Bible Sharing
a. There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend

3. Vocation Sunday
a. Group 5 will be serving Holy Hour on the 25th of April at 4.15pm. Please report to the sacristy by 3.50pm
b. All servers are to be present for Holy Hour, in their Servers Shirt (report by 4pm)
c. Servers serving the evening mass will be informed by an Exco member

4. Archbishop’s Cup
a. For those interested in participating in the Archbishop’s Cup, please submit the relevant documents by the 26th of April

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Announcements 11th – 22nd April 2015, Divine Mercy Sunday

Announcements 11th – 22nd April 2015, Divine Mercy Sunday

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. Group 4 will be serving the novena service next Sat, 18th April.
b. Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates.
c. Special events roster for April has been published, please check

2. Bible Sharing
a. There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend.

3. Vocation Sunday
a. Group 5 will be serving Holy Hour on the 25th of April at 4.15pm. Please report to the sacristy by 3.50pm.
b. All servers are to be present for Holy Hour, in their Servers Shirt (report by 4pm)
c. Servers serving the evening mass will be informed by an Exco member

4. Archbishop’s Cup 2015
a. For those interested in participating in the Archbishop’s Cup 2015, please submit the relevant forms, found on the table next to the sink, by the 26th of April
b. Please submit a copy of your Birth Cert and Baptism Cert

Saturday, April 04, 2015

Announcements 21-22 March 2015, 5th Sunday of Lent

Announcements 21st – 22nd March 2015, 5th Sunday of Lent

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. Group 3 will be serving the novena service next Sat, 28th March.

b. Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates.
c. Special events roster for April will be published on Wednesday, 25th March.

2. Bible Sharing

a. There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend.

3. Stations of the Cross
a. Group 4 will be serving Stations of the Cross this Friday, 27th March, at 7pm. Please report to the sacristy by 6:30pm.
b. Servers are reminded that they are not allowed to serve the evening mass if they are rostered for stations on that particular day.

4. Holy Week

a. Rosters for Holy Week are out, please check the rosters
b. Please turn up for your training and state a reason if you cannot make it to either Joshua Wong or Matthew Kwan
c. Leaders are to bring the servers to the notice board to check the new training timings
d. Training is Compulsory, unless a valid reason given

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Announcement 21-22 March 2015, 5th Sunday Of Lent

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. Group 3 will be serving the novena service next Sat, 28th March.
b. Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates.
c. Special events roster for April will be published on Wednesday, 25th March.

2. Bible Sharing
a. There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend.

3. Stations of the Cross

a. Group 4 will be serving Stations of the Cross this Friday, 27th March, at 7 pm. Please report to the sacristy by 6:30pm.
b. Servers are reminded that they are not allowed to serve the evening mass if they are rostered for stations on that particular day.

4. Holy Week

a. Rosters for Holy Week are out, please check the rosters
b. Please turn up for your training and state a reason if you cannot make it to either Joshua Wong or Matthew Kwan
c. Leaders are to bring the servers to the notice board to check the new training timings
d. Training is Compulsory, unless a valid reason given

Good Friday 2015

Good Friday 2015

Holy Thursday 2015

Holy Thursday 2015

Easter Vigil 2015

Easter Vigil 2015

Confirmation 2015

Confirmation 2015

Saturday, December 27, 2014

Announcements 27th - 28th December 2014, Feast of the Holy Family

Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
Special events roster for JANUARY has been published. All are responsible to check. Leaders are reminded to TICK the names of those on the list attached.
As the new year begins soon, all servers are to take note of their new groupings (whether they are affected by the catechism class time changes or not) and serve the right mass times and novenas.
Group 1 (of the new groupings) will be serving the novena service next Sat, 3rd Dec.
Servers who are still on holiday are to serve 2 weekday masses (1 morning and 1 evening)
Group Leaders are expected to acknowledge and record all VRs dated Dec 2014 and later near the sink immediately after mass and before they leave. Due to inaction, this has led to unnecessary and unsightly clutter there.
Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates.

Mass hopping
Servers are reminded that they are not allowed to swap masses as they please out of mere convenience. Examples of reasons that will not be accepted by Group Leaders are these.
Serving the Saturday sunset mass just because one’s group is serving the Novena service before that.
Serving another mass time just because there is no catechism class during the holidays.

Bible Sharing
There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend.
Advent/Christmas Project
The Rainbow Advent/Christmas project would remain until the end of the coming week. Servers are encouraged to do the other activities meaningfully and spiritually.

Feast of Mary, Mother of God (IMPORTANT)
1st Jan is the Feast of Mary, Mother of God and is public holiday. There will be 2 masses, 8:30am and 6:30pm.

Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord (IMPORTANT)
Next Sunday is the Feast of the Epiphany of the Lord, please bring cape and sash.

The Servers Exco would like to wish all of you a blessed Christmas and a fruitful new year ahead!