Sunday, April 19, 2015

Announcements 18th – 19th April 2015, 2nd Sunday of Easter

Announcements 18th – 19th April 2015, 2nd Sunday of Easter

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. No Novena Service on the 25th of April
b. Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates
c. Special events roster for April is published, please check

2. Bible Sharing
a. There is Bible Sharing this Friday, 8:30pm. All servers sec 2 and above are to attend

3. Vocation Sunday
a. Group 5 will be serving Holy Hour on the 25th of April at 4.15pm. Please report to the sacristy by 3.50pm
b. All servers are to be present for Holy Hour, in their Servers Shirt (report by 4pm)
c. Servers serving the evening mass will be informed by an Exco member

4. Archbishop’s Cup
a. For those interested in participating in the Archbishop’s Cup, please submit the relevant documents by the 26th of April

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