Sunday, April 06, 2008


Annoucement for 3rd sunday of Easter
1. Please hand in the Letter of Appeal by 13 April, Next Sunday, regardless or not you can serve Group 5. Servers who do not hand in the form will get 2 demerit points. Group Leaders and Group 5 servers are to read and do not need to take the letter.
2. If you cannot serve your weekday mass for some valid reason, call or sms Nicholas Lim instead, as he is doing the demerit points every week.
3. Shawn Wong will be away on holiday from 19th April to 3rd May.
4. The Obstacle Training Course will be postponed due to upcoming events like the Investiture and the Retreat.
5. All servers are to wash their cassock for cassock exchange next week.
6. Servers doing offertory torches are to bow with the Gift Bearers before processing to the back.

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