Saturday, July 26, 2008

Annoucement 26 – 27 July, 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Unless told otherwise, all Altar Servers are to report to the Sacristy at least 15 mins before any Mass or Service begins to allow time for Spiritual Preparation.

2. If you are unable to serve your usual Weekend Mass time and intend to serve another Mass time, please inform the Group Leaders of both Masses.

3. If you are unable to serve Mass or attend Meetings at all due to a Valid Reason, please fill up the "Letter of Excuse".

4. All Altar Servers are to serve Novena and Holy Hour based on Rosters. You may find these Rosters on the Notice Boards and Blog.

5. Wedding Roster for the Month of August is up on the Notice Boards and on the blog. Please check if you are serving. If unable to serve, please inform Matthew Ch'ng, Special Events IC early so as to allow him time to find another Server.

6. Please visit the Altar Servers Blog for information such as Weekly Announcements and Rosters. The "Letter of Excuse may also be downloaded from the blog.

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