Monday, November 24, 2008

Christmas Gathering Consent Form

Consent forms for the Christmas Gathering can be downloaded from the following link:

Christmas Gathering Consent Form

Important Infomation For Christmas Gathering Gift Exchange

· The gift has to be a minimum value of $10.
· Wrap all gifts before submitting.
· It’s compulsory to write or paste the receiver’s name on the gift.
· Writing your name on the gift is optional.
· As you are buying a present for you fellow server, give a little thought and get him something besides Chocolates.
· The gift should be passed to Joel, Shawn or Nicholas by 14 Dec. Please pass it to them by that time, if not your fellow server may not have a gift. Do not be selfish.
· A committee member will inform you of who you have to buy the gift for.

Annoucements 22-23 November Feast of Christ the King

1. All Secondary and Primary servers are expected to start serving their 2 weekday masses.

2. Servers who are going away on holidays and are unable to serve their masses are to fill in the letter of excuse form before they leave. Drop the letter of excuse form in the transparent box.

3. The Triduum masses are counted as weekday mass. Take note that there will be no evening masses on those days. Servers whose names are not on the Triduum roster can still serve, but they are reminded to bring their cape and sash.

4. Servers are to meet in the basement chapel next Sunday on Feast Day, at 9am. Only appointed Group 3 servers are to serve the 9am mass on that day. Bring your cape and sash.

5. Facilitators are to be in the Good Shepherd room by 8.30am next Sunday. There is facilitators’ meeting this Sunday at 2pm.

6. Servers preparing the altar during weekday masses are reminded to take the ciborium out for it to be consecrated.

7. Bryan Khoo and Jonathan Kong has left the Altar Servers Society, please pray for them as they serve God in another way.

8. Joel Moosa will be away on holiday on 28th Nov to 13th Dec, if you got any questions regarding the servers, you can call Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong.

9. The Altar Servers’ Society has organised a Christmas Gift Exchange during the upcoming Christmas Gathering event. Please take a form from the sacristy, and hand it latest by 7 Dec.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Triduum Mass Rosters (28 Nov Friday 8 PM )

Andrew Tsui
Bryan Lee
Emmanuel Er
Joshua Wee
Justin Quah
Maximillian Er
Nicholas Lim*
Nicholas Rankine
Nigel Rankine
Raphael Ng*
Raphael Theseira
Reuben Theseira
Zachery Zuzarte
1. Cape & Sash required.
2. Be in the Sacristy by 7.30pm.
3. Please inform Joel, Nicholas or Shawn if unable to serve.
4. The tridum Masses are not compulsory for all Altar Servers to serve except those on the Roster.
5. Servers who are not on this roster but would like to serve are most welcomed.
6. No Weekday 6.30pm Mass during these 3 days.
7. All the Masses above are considered as Weekday Masses.
8. Names with * refer to the Sacristans of the respective Tridum Masses.

Triduum Mass Rosters ( 27 Nov Thursday 8PM )

Edward Tan
Geoffrey Tan
Guy Pereira
Gerard Nagulendran
Matthew Tan
Mel Wong
Ian Quek
Jonathan Pong
Joshua Tan Jia Xuan
Luke Yeo
Jerome Chee
Shawn Wong *
Matthew Ch’ng
Marcus Tan
1. Cape & Sash required.
2. Be in the Sacristy by 7.30pm.
3. Please inform Joel, Nicholas or Shawn if unable to serve.

4. The tridum Masses are not compulsory for all Altar Servers to serve except those on the Roster.
5. Servers who are not on this roster but would like to serve are most welcomed.
6. No Weekday 6.30pm Mass during these 3 days.
7. All the Masses above are considered as Weekday Masses.
8. Names with * refer to the Sacristans of the respective Tridum Masses.

Triduum Mass Rosters ( 26 Nov Wednesday 8 PM )

Benedict Jacob
Carlos Limpo
Colin Hernandez
Benjamin Tay
Nicholas Wong
Sylvester Gregory
Gregory Tan
Joel Moosa*
Joshua Tan Yong Chuan
Joshua Wong
Isaac Berchmans
Timothy Wong
Jeremy Wong
Nevin Hernandez
1. Cape & Sash required.
2. Be in the Sacristy by 7.30pm.
3. Please inform Joel, Nicholas or Shawn if unable to serve.
4. The tridum Masses are not compulsory for all Altar Servers to serve except those on the Roster.
5. Servers who are not on this roster but would like to serve are most welcomed.
6. No Weekday 6.30pm Mass during these 3 days.
7. All the Masses above are considered as Weekday Masses.
8. Names with * refer to the Sacristans of the respective Tridum Masses.

Feast Day Mass Roster

Saint Francis Xavier
Feast Day Mass Roster
30 November 2008 (Sunday)
10.45am Mass

Brandon Yang
Bryan Ong
Edward Tan
Geoffrey Tan
Issac Chong
Jerome Chee
John de Jesus
Julian Lee
Kevin Kuah
Martin Ho
Matthew Ch’ng*
Matthew Kwan
Matthew Tan
Nevin Hernandez
Nicholas Lim
Raphael Theseira*
Shawn Wong
Timothy Loi

1) The above-mentioned Altar Servers are to serve on the Sanctuary. The rest of the Altar Servers are to serve mass from the pews.
2) All are to report in the basement chapel by 9am.
3) Please bring along your cape and sash.
4) Training Dates are as follows:
· Friday, 21st Nov @ 8pm
· Saturday 29th Nov @ 8am
5)Only appointed Group 3 servers are required to serve the 9 Am Mass
6)*The names with * is the sacristan of the mass

Annoucement 15-16 November , 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Times

1. All Secondary and Primary servers are expected to start serving their 2 weekday masses.

2. Servers who are going away on holidays and are unable to serve their masses are to fill in
the letter of excuse form before they leave. Drop the letter of excuse form in the transparent box.

3. Triduum and Feast Day rosters are on the cupboard, please check if you are serving.

4. Servers have to bring cape and sash next weekend, as it is the feast of Christ the King.

5. Servers doing weekday offertory and the server preparing the altar, are to stand up when the priest is standing at the centre of the altar table. Do not take the cue from the choir.

6. Joel Moosa will be away on holiday on 28th Nov to 13th Dec, if you got any questions regarding the servers, you can call Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong.

Sunday, November 09, 2008

Annoucements 8-9 Novemember Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

1. All Secondary school and Marist Stella Pri servers are expected start serving their 2 weekday masses.

2. Servers who are going away on holidays and are unable to serve their masses are to fill in the letter of excuse form before they leave.

3. Servers doing Thanksgiving during weekend masses, are to light the candles on the high table in the sacristy.

4. Servers doing 2nd bells are reminded to bow and ring at the same time together with the rest of the servers, and not bow after ringing the bell.

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Wedding Roster (November 2008)

• If you are unable to serve, please find a replacement and inform Matthew Ch’ng
• Wedding Masses are counted as weekday masses.
• Please be in the sacristy 15 minutes before the start of the Mass.
• Cape and Sash is NOT required.

Please take note that this roster does NOT reflect any changes made. Please refer to the copy of the roster in the Sacristy for any changes.

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Annoucements 1-2 November All Saints'/All souls' day

1. The Wedding roster for the month of November is on the cupboard, please check if you are serving. Servers, who are unable to serve, are to tell Matthew Ch’ng as soon as possible.

2. All Secondary school and Marist Stella Pri servers are to expected start serving their 2 weekday masses.

3. Servers doing offertory torches are to start processing to the back when the wardens in the centre aisle are at about ¾ church. Servers are to come in after the General Intercession, after they bow to Father.

4. Servers who are going away on holidays and are unable to serve their masses are to fill in the letter of excuse form before they leave.

5. Servers doing Thanksgiving during weekend masses, are to light the candles on the high table in the sacristy.

6. Starting the month of December, there will be a slight change to weekday offertory, servers doing offertory will stand up, bow together and go into the sacristy instead of going to the front of the altar and bow.

7. To look at the announcements and rosters, please go to the servers’ website, “”.