Monday, November 24, 2008

Annoucements 22-23 November Feast of Christ the King

1. All Secondary and Primary servers are expected to start serving their 2 weekday masses.

2. Servers who are going away on holidays and are unable to serve their masses are to fill in the letter of excuse form before they leave. Drop the letter of excuse form in the transparent box.

3. The Triduum masses are counted as weekday mass. Take note that there will be no evening masses on those days. Servers whose names are not on the Triduum roster can still serve, but they are reminded to bring their cape and sash.

4. Servers are to meet in the basement chapel next Sunday on Feast Day, at 9am. Only appointed Group 3 servers are to serve the 9am mass on that day. Bring your cape and sash.

5. Facilitators are to be in the Good Shepherd room by 8.30am next Sunday. There is facilitators’ meeting this Sunday at 2pm.

6. Servers preparing the altar during weekday masses are reminded to take the ciborium out for it to be consecrated.

7. Bryan Khoo and Jonathan Kong has left the Altar Servers Society, please pray for them as they serve God in another way.

8. Joel Moosa will be away on holiday on 28th Nov to 13th Dec, if you got any questions regarding the servers, you can call Nicholas Lim or Shawn Wong.

9. The Altar Servers’ Society has organised a Christmas Gift Exchange during the upcoming Christmas Gathering event. Please take a form from the sacristy, and hand it latest by 7 Dec.

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