Sunday, December 14, 2008

Annoucement 13 - 14 December 3rd Sunday of Advent

1. Servers who are going away on holidays and are unable to serve their masses are to fill in the letter of excuse form before they leave. Drop the letter of excuse form in the transparent box.
2. The Christmas roster is up on the cupboard, please check when you are serving. Servers, who have to change to another mass time, please get a replacement first before telling Joel, Shawn or Nicholas.
3. Please also take note that starting from this month, there has been a slight change in the weekday offertory, servers doing offertory and the server preparing the altar are to bow together and proceed straight into the sacristy.
4. During the sign of peace, please look the server in the eye when offering him the sign of peace.
5. If you get a red packet when you serve a wedding or funeral mass, please pass it to Joel, Shawn or Nicholas, or slide it under Fr Brian’s door.
6. Altar Servers’ Advent Penitential Service is This Sunday, 14 Dec at 2pm in the basement chapel. Attendance is Compulsory.
7. The Servers’ Annual Retreat will be held on 18th to 20th March Next Year at the FMM house.
8. Servers, who still have not handed in the Christmas Gathering form, hand it in by This Sunday. The Christmas Gathering Gifts are to be submitted to Joel, Shawn or Nicholas by This Sunday, 14 Dec.
9. Be reminded that the evening mass this Friday is at 7.15pm, instead of the usual 6.30pm.

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