Sunday, January 04, 2009

Annoucements 3-4th Jan Feast of the Epiphany

1. The Servers’ Annual Retreat will be held on 18th to 20th March this year.
2.Servers, who did not come for the Christmas Gathering last week and haven’t received their gifts yet, are to look for Joel, Shawn or Nicholas.
3. Be reminded about the slight change to the demerit point system starting this year.
4.Also be reminded to the change in the weekend mass timings on Sunday. The 10.45am mass will be changed to 11am, and the 6pm mass on Sunday will be changed to 5.30pm. Therefore, Group 4 servers are to report to the sacristy at 10.30am, while Group 5 servers are to report to the sacristy at 5pm.
5. All red packets received by altar servers or sacristans from wedding and funerals are to be submitted even if received from relatives.
6. All servers are no longer required to serve their 2 weekdays Masses. However, servers are reminded to serve their usual 1 weekday mass.
7.In an attempt to raise funds for next year, Chinese New Year Cookie forms will be distributed. Please encourage your parents to support us. A Chinese New Year duty roster is on the notice board.
8.The Holy Hour and Novena roster for the new year is on the notice board, please check and take note when your group is serving. The wedding roster for the month of January is also on the notice board, please check if you are serving, let Matthew Ch’ng know early if you cannot serve.
9.Martin Ho is leaving the servers on 9 Jan and he will be joining the altar servers at Holy Family church, as he is moving house. Pray for him as he serves God in another church.

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