Saturday, January 31, 2009

31 Jan – 1 Feb, 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time
1. There is an Altar Servers’ meeting Next Sunday at 2pm in the Basement Chapel. Attendance is compulsory.
2. Starting from this weekend, servers are to stand up and sit down together after communion when communion in the centre aisle has been completely distributed. Take the cue from the P.A.
3. Be reminded to put your bags in the servers’ cupboard; do not leave it around the sacristy.
4. Servers are to hang their cassock covers on the metal rack; do not hang them on the cupboards.
5. Please take home the Servers’ Retreat consent form, and return it by 8th Feb, Sunday. You can drop your forms into the transparent box.
6. Luke Yeo has left the servers to study in Perth. Please pray for him.
7. Bryan Khoo has returned to serve at our Parish after a short absence. Please pray for him.
8. Your vice president, Nicholas Lim, is down with chicken pox; please pray for a speedy recovery for him.

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