Sunday, February 22, 2009

Announcements 21-22th Feb 7th Sunday in Ordinary Times

1. The Ash Wednesday roster is on the cupboard, please check when you are serving. Servers do NOT need to bring cape and sash. It is not counted as a weekday mass. Please follow your rostered mass timings.
2. The Stations of the Cross is also on the cupboard, please check when your group is serving. Stations are held every Friday after the evening mass. Please be in the sacristy at half an hour before the start of the Stations.
3. Please be reminded that Thanksgiving for weekday mass remains the same, there is no change for Thanksgiving for weekday mass, cleansing of the sacred vessels will be done on the altar for weekday mass.
4. Servers, who still have not handed in the Altar Servers’ Retreat forms, are to hand in by This Sunday. Please do not delay any further. Drop it in the transparent box.
5. Please pray for Isaac Chong, who has left the servers.
6. You can check your rostered mass timings on the altar servers’ blog, the website address is

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