Saturday, March 28, 2009

Annoucements 29th March- 30th March 5th Sunday of Lent

1. The Holy Thursday roster is up on the notice board, please check if you are serving on the altar. Time of the Holy Thursday mass has been changed to 7pm. Servers are to be in the basement chapel at 5pm. Bring cape and sash.
2. The Holy Saturday roster is also up on the notice board, please check if you are serving. Holy Saturday mass training is this Sunday at 3.30pm.
3. The Good Friday and Silent Adoration roster are up on the notice board, please check when you are serving. Training for Good Friday service is next Sunday 5th April. Timing is as follows: 9am servers is at 12.30pm. 12pm servers is at 2pm. 3pm servers is at 3.30pm.
4. Since it is the season of lent, servers are encouraged to attend the Stations of the Cross every Friday.
5. Servers, who cannot serve Holy Thursday mass, please look for Joel Moosa.
6. Passion Play roster is up on the notice board, please check if you are involve.
7.An ex-co member will tell you more on the Serra Club Nomination objective.

Please take note that the objective of the Serra Club Nominations is so that you may get to vote who will represent us as a society toward the rest of the Churches in Singapore. The people you vote for should be people you admire or look up to, or shine as the face of Christ to you. This is not a competition but a way to recognize people who have so willingly served the church and re-inspire servers to the call of service on the Altar.

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