Sunday, March 08, 2009

Special Events Mass Roster (March 2009)

Wedding Mass
Saturday 21 Mar 2009
Aloysius Wee
Sherman Lim

Joshua Tan CH

Legion of Mary Mass
Sunday 29 Mar 2009
1.00pm to 4.00pm
Bryan Lee
Joshua Wee
Jonathan Ho
Joshua Tan JX

Raphael Theseira

Charismatic Mass
Monday 30 Mar 2009
Daniel Chua
Benedict Koh

Julian Lee

• Be in the Sacristy half an hour before the start of mass. For the Charismatic mass, report to the back of the Parish Hall by 8.00pm sharp.
• If you are unable to serve, find a replacement and inform Matthew Ch’ng at least a week before the mass.
• These masses are counted as a weekday mass.
• The wedding mass and the Legion of Mary mass will be held in the main church. Charismatic mass is held in the Parish Hall.

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