Saturday, August 29, 2009

Announcements 29 – 30 August, 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. The roster for the training of mass groups is up on the notice board, please check when you mass group is rostered. Attendance is compulsory.
2. The Fun Fair roster will be out by This Sunday, please check if you are rostered for fun fair duty.
3. Servers can order the photos from the Investiture, the photos are displayed in the files outside the sacristy. Please take a look. You can order the photos from Shawn Wong.
4. The Investiture Dvds are ready this weekend. Please collect it from Shawn Wong.
5. Starting from next month onwards, all servers do not need to serve Holy Hour, as it is held in the adoration room.
6. Servers are discouraged from wear shorts and slippers when they come to attend mass.
7. Be reminded that Novena and Weekend mass on 5 Sep, Saturday has been changed to 4.15pm and 5pm respectively.
8. Servers who wants to get a new servers t-shirt, please look for Nicholas Lim.
9. This Saturday 4 Sep, Group 3 is doing Novena.

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