Saturday, May 01, 2010

Announcements 1 – 2 May, 5th Sunday of Easter

  1. All Retreat consent forms are to be signed and handed in by This Sunday, 2nd May. Drop it in the transparent box.
  2. The Ascension Day roster is out on the cupboard. Please check when you are serving. It is not counted as a weekday mass.
  3. Servers are encouraged to join in the daily gospel reflections in the sacristy even if you are not serving mass.
  4. Servers are reminded to fulfil their weekday mass obligation, and serve 1 weekday mass a week. Servers are also reminded to mark their attendance.
  5. Servers do not need to come early or stay back after Weekend mass for the Gospel Reflection. However, on Weekday masses, servers have to come at 6pm for gospel reflection. Servers serving Sat morning, have to stay back after mass for gospel reflection. Group 3 will be serving Novena This Sat, 8th May.
  6. 6. Group 3 will be serving Novena This Sat, 8th May.

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