Monday, June 21, 2010

Announcements 19 – 20 Jun, 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Servers are to stay back half an hour after mass this weekend for a follow up session on Bro Colin’s talk.

2. Servers need to keep the Sacramentary and put the microphone down during communion for all weekday masses.

3. Servers are reminded to fill up the “letter of excuse” if they are unable to serve mass due to school camps or overseas trips.

4. Servers who arrive late for weekday Mass Gospel Sharing are to leave their bags/suit covers on the attendance table or chair and join in immediately. Do not walk around to get your cincture or hang your Suit Covers at the metal rack as you will be a source of distraction.

5. Group 5 will be serving Novena This Sat, 26th Jun.

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