Saturday, September 25, 2010

Announcements 25 – 26 Sep, 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. The Parish Mission Mass Roster is up on the cupboard, please check when you are serving. If you cannot make it for that mass, please get a replacement and contact either Timothy Loi or Jeremy Soh at least 1 week earlier. It is counted as a weekday mass. Please mark your attendance in the Weekday evening mass File.
2. Servers who have ordered the Investiture photos, the photos are ready This Weekend, please collect them from Shawn Wong.
3. Please pray for Sister Eddy, an IJ sister who frequently does the Novena, she has been hospitalized due to a bad fall. Please pray for her speedy recovery.
4. Servers are reminded to greet priests and religious in the sacristy or around the church.
5. Servers who serve Wedding, Funerals and other special event masses are reminded to submit their red packets to Shawn, Joel or Nicholas. Alternatively, place them in the transparent box.
6. Only Group leaders are allowed to mark the weekend attendance sheets.
7. You can check rosters and announcements on the servers’ blog at
8. Group 4 will be serving Novena this Saturday, 2nd Oct.

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