Saturday, May 21, 2011

Announcements 21 – 22 May, 5th Sunday of Easter

1. All servers are to take note that the Servers’ Retreat is on 21st to 23rd June. Please make sure that you can make it. Please take home a copy of the Retreat consent form and get it signed and return by 22nd May, Sunday.

2. Servers are to hand up the $50 for the Assisi Hospice Fun Fair tickets to either Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng. Put it into an envelope with your name written on it.

3. There is a change to serving mass. For all Masses, during the "I Confess...", servers are to only hit their chest ONCE at the words "My Fault". (Not three times at the words "My thoughts... my words... I have done.

4. Servers involved in cassock exchange, are to change their cassocks by this weekend. Servers who have problems exchanging are to look for Bryan Khoo.

5. The following group scheduled for Flower Making this Sunday at 1pm:
a. St James, St Paul and St john

6. The following group scheduled for Flower Making this Sunday at 2.30pm:
a. St Joseph and St Luke
b. All are to wait outside the canteen.

7. Group 2 is serving Novena this Saturday, 28th May.

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