Saturday, May 07, 2011

Announcements 7 – 8 May, 3rd Sunday of Easter

1. All servers are to take not that the Servers’ Retreat is on 21st to 23rd June. Please make sure that you can make it.

2. The cassock exchange list is on the cupboard, please check if you are involved. Servers are to change their cassocks by this weekend. Servers who have problems exchanging are to look for Bryan Khoo.

3. The ticket sales roster is up on the noticeboard. All servers are to not down their scheduled time slots. Changes including exemption will only be approved by Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng.

4. The following groups will be involved in ticket sales on Saturday, 14th May. Please refer to the outreach roster for the assembly time and other details. Facilitators to remind and ensure.
a. St. Francis of Assisi
b. St John Vianney

5. The cross from now on will be kept in the sacristy during mass, so the Cross bearer will go straight into the sacristy after procession.

6. Servers are reminded to fulfil their weekday mass obligation, and serve 1 weekday mass a week. Servers are also reminded to mark their attendance.

7. Servers are reminded to fill up the “letter of excuse” if they are unable to serve mass due to school camps or overseas trips during the June holidays.

8. Group 5 are serving Novena this Saturday, 14th May.

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