Wednesday, June 01, 2011

Announcements 1st – 2nd June, Ascension Day

1. All servers are to take note that the Servers’ Retreat is from 21st to 23rd June. Please make sure that you can make it. Please take home a copy of the Retreat consent form and get it signed and returned by this Sunday, 5th of June 2011.

2. When setting up the Altar for Offertory, servers are to hold the wooden Sacramentary stand from the base.

3. Servers are to hand up the $50 for the Assisi Hospice Fun Fair tickets to either Shawn Wong or Raphael Ng. Put it into an envelope with your name written on it.

4. There is a change to serving mass. For all Masses, during the "I Confess...", servers are to only hit their chest ONCE at the words "My Fault". (Not three times at the words "My thoughts... my words... I have done.

5. Servers are to serve 2 weekday Masses during their June Holidays. 1 morning and 1 evening or 2 morning Masses.

6. Servers are reminded to submit the “letter of excuse” if they are unable to serve mass due to school camps or overseas trips.

7. Group 3 is serving Novena this Saturday, 4th June.

Note: Group Leaders will read out the names of the servers who have not handed in the Assisi Tickets Money and the Retreat Consent forms.

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