Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Announcements 13th – 14th August, 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Form Submission
a. All servers are urged to drop their signed Canteen and Investiture consent forms immediately into the transparent box. Please bear in mind the amount of inconvenience that the planning committee has to go through for every member that does not submit the form. Hence, your cooperation is very much appreciated. Exco member for each mass group to ensure.

2. Rosters
a. Assumption Day is on Mon, 15th Aug. Rosters are published on the noticeboard and blog.
i. Approved amendments have been made to the roster on the noticeboards. Should you wish to request for a change in mass time, please seek approval from Joel Moosa or Raphael Ng by Sun, 14th Aug.
ii. Servers who are unable to serve on Assumption Day are to fill in the letter of excuse.
iii. Servers who need a letter of exemption from school are to approach Jeremy Wong with their school name, principal name, class and index number by Sat, 12th Aug.
iv. Capes and sashes are required. Please be in the sacristy 30 minutes before mass.
b. Group 4 is serving Novena this Saturday, 20th August.
c. Special Events Roster for Aug is out. Kindly check if you are scheduled.

3. Training
a. All servers are to take an empty bowl ciborium from the credence table to the altar table during preparation for weekday evening masses with immediate effect.
b. Servers are to use the candle snuffers to extinguish the flames after all Masses. No blowing is allowed.

4. Sacristans
a. All sacristans are to ensure that they do not leave church keys unattended at all times.

5. Discipline
a. It has been reported that some servers are taking non consecrated hosts from the sacristy to burn out of mischief. All servers are expected to treat articles and vestments in the sacristy with respect. Offenders will be disciplined.

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