Saturday, September 03, 2011

Announcements 3rd – 4th September, 23nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Investiture Issues (High Importance)
a. The following members are to submit their investiture prize contributions to any Exco Member latest when they serve their weekday mass this week.
i. Phillip Bogaars
ii. Ashwin Mark
iii. Gerald Tan
iv. Jacob Ang
v. Sean Chan
b. The investiture of new altar servers takes place next Sun, 11 Sep 11 during the 11am mass. Lunch will be held in the canteen from 1pm to 3pm.
i. All servers are to assemble in the basement chapel by 9am sharp, with cassock, cape and cincture. Server’s shirt to be worn.
ii. New servers are to be in their short sleeved white shirt, black pants, belt and black shoes.
iii. All servers are exempted from catechism classes on 11 Sep 11.
iv. Not all Group 3 servers will serve the 9am mass. Only the following 9 servers will serve and report to the basement chapel after serving their 9am mass.
1. Timothy Loi
2. Benedict Jacob
3. Benedict Koh
4. Emanuel Lee
5. Carlos Limpo
6. Matthew Tan
7. Niel Casio
8. Nicholas Rankine
9. Timothy Wong
v. All servers will be required to serve their default weekend mass, except those in Group 4, Investiture Mass team and Group 3 servers not in the 9 mentioned above.
vi. Those unable to serve their investiture mass will be required to fill in a letter of excuse and have it approved.
c. Servers who wish to come up with any 5 minute performance during investiture lunch, please contact Raphael Ng by Sunday, 4th Sep 11.

3. Administration
a. Servers on school holiday are required to serve 2 weekday masses (1 morning and 1 evening) this week.
b. Those going for overseas trips/school camps or have other reasons that prevent them from serving 2 weekday masses are reminded to submit a letter of excuse.

4. Training
a. Investiture training for Mass Team is on this Sunday, 4th September at 2pm. Please inform Raphael Theseira if you are unable to attend.

5. Rosters
a. Group 2 is serving Novena this Saturday, 10th September.
b. Special Events Roster for Sep is up. Please check if you are scheduled.

6. Petitions
a. Please pray for Jeremy Soh’s grandmother, who has fallen ill and is hospitalised.

7. Others
a. All group leaders to hand out the on invitation cards in the red basket to servers in their group. Those who have already responded to Raphael Ng on their attendance will not receive this card.

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