Saturday, August 04, 2012

Announcements 4th – 5th Aug 2012, 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. Special events roster for Aug has been published.

b. Not all group 5 servers will be serving the Novena service on Sat, 11th Aug due to Investiture. Group 5 leader to appoint only 4 servers for duty. All other servers to be down in the Basement Chapel on time.

c. On the 9th of august, mass is only at 8.30 am.

2. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary

a. Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is on Tue and Wed, 14th and 15th Aug.

b. These masses are not counted as a weekday masses.

c. All other important instructions are on the rosters.

3. Sharing

a. There is no sharing on Fri, 17th Aug due to Investiture preparations. Sharing resumes on Fri, 24th Aug.

4. Investiture (High Importance)

a. On Sat, 11 Aug, all servers are to report to the Basement Chapel by 3pm. Bring cassock, cape and sash.

b. Investiture Mass is a full society mass.

c. Investiture Mass is not counted as a weekend mass except for those on the mass team.

d. Submit letter of excuse if you are unable to serve.

e. All servers are required to wear the server’s shirt.

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