Saturday, November 24, 2012

Universal Studios Consent Form

USS Consent Form

Announcements 24th – 25th Nov 2012, Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Dec has been published.
b.     There will be no novena service on next Sat, 1st  Dec.
c.     Servers who have started their school holidays are to serve 2 weekday masses
d.     Group 5 servers will assist with the changing of missals for the new liturgical year after mass

2.     Trip to Universal Studios Singapore
a.     A trip to Universal Studios Singapore will be organised for all servers on Thu, 13th Dec.  Please obtain a consent form.
b.     Attendance is strongly encouraged but not compulsory.
c.     Ticket fees are subsidised.
d.     Please return the ticket fees and consent form sealed together in an envelope by Sun, 9th Dec latest.
e.     Late submissions will strictly not be entertained.  This is due to the deadline stipulated by Universal Studios Singapore.

3.     Parish Feast Day Pentaduum
a.     Parish Feast Day Pentaduum will be from Mon, 26th Nov to Fri, 30th Nov at 745pm.  These masses are counted as weekday masses.
                                               i.     No normal weekday morning and evening masses from Mon, 26th Nov to Sat, 1st Nov.
                                             ii.     10 servers are on the roster for each day, including the duty sacristan.  Please check.  All other servers may serve any day of their choice to fulfil their weekday requirement.
                                            iii.     Mass Team roster for Parish Feast Day has been published.  Please check.  There is training on this Sun, 25th Nov.
                                            iv.     Feast Day Mass will be celebrated on Sat, 1st Dec, at the 530pm mass
1.     It is a full society mass
2.     All servers to bring their cassock, cape and sash (ironed and cleaned)
3.     Report to the basement chapel by 3pm.  Attendance is compulsory.
4.     Except for Group 1 servers and Mass team servers, this is not counted as a weekend mass. 

4.     Year of Faith
a.     No sharing this Friday, 30th Nov due to the Parish Feast Day Pentaduum.

5.     Vestments
a.     Group Leaders to ensure that these servers write down their current and required (if applicable) cassock sizes on the vestment cupboard record sheet without delay.  Kindly be responsible and considerate and do not obstruct the Vestments ICs from completing their duties.
                                               i.     Aric Ee
                                             ii.     Ashwin Vijayan
                                            iii.     Atticus Ess
                                            iv.     David de Souza
                                              v.     Divyan Vijayan
                                            vi.     John de Jesus
                                           vii.     Jonah Teo
                                         viii.     Jonathan Ho
                                            ix.     Joshua de Jesus
                                              x.     Joshua de Souza
                                            xi.     Joshua Tan Yong Chuan
                                           xii.     Julian Lee
                                         xiii.     Justin Quah
                                          xiv.     Matthew Tan
                                           xv.     Michael Yeo
                                          xvi.     Raphael Theseira
                                        xvii.     Sean Chan
                                       xviii.     Timothy Low
                                          xix.     Timothy Yeap

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Announcements 17th – 18th Oct 2012, 33rd Sunday of Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Nov has been published.
b.     Group 5 servers will be serving the Novena service on next Sat, 24th Nov.
c.     Servers who have started their school holidays are to serve 2 weekday masses a week, one morning and one evening mass.
d.     The Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe will be celebrated next weekend
                                               i.     All servers are to bring their cape and sash
                                             ii.     Sacristans to prepare charcoal and incense for each mass
                                            iii.     Group 5 servers will assist with the changing of missals for the new liturgical year after mass

2.     Parish Feast Day Pentaduum
a.     Parish Feast Day Pentaduum will be from Mon, 26th Nov to Fri, 30th Nov at 745pm.  These masses are counted as weekday masses.
                                               i.     10 servers are on the roster for each day.  Please check.
                                             ii.     Mass Team roster for Parish Feast Day has been published.  Please check. 

3.     Year of Faith
a.     Session on the Creed will be held this Fri at 8pm in the Parish Hall.  All servers secondary school and above are required to attend.
b.     The Society is on duty for Intercessory Prayers for the Year of Faith this Thu, 22nd Nov.  Be in the Adoration Room by 8pm.  The session will last till 845pm.  All appointment holders are to attend.

4.     Vestments
a.     Group Leaders to ensure that all servers write down their current and required (if applicable) cassock sizes on the vestment cupboard record sheet immediately after debrief.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Announcements 10th – 11th Oct 2012, 32nd Sunday of Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Nov has been published.
b.     Group 4 servers will be serving the Novena service on next Sat, 17th Nov.
c.     This Tue, 13th Nov is a public holiday
                                               i.     Only 1 weekday mass at 830am
                                             ii.     Sacristan for Tuesday evening will be on duty
d.     Servers who have started their school holidays are to serve 2 weekday masses a week, one morning and one evening mass.

2.     Year of Faith
a.     Sharing will be held this Fri at 830pm.  All servers secondary school and above are required to attend.

3.     Archdiocesan Youth Day 2012 (Day of Recollection for Altar Servers) (HIGH IMPORTANCE)
a.     Servers aged 13 and above are to attend the Day of Recollection for Altar Servers this Thu, 15th Nov
b.     Report to SFX church porch by 830am.  2-way transport is provided.
c.     Attire will be servers’ shirt with jeans or formal trousers.
d.     Bibles are to be brought along.
e.     Lunch will be provided.
f.      Dismissal is at 230pm in SFX.

4.     Rosary
a.     The society will continue the recitation of the rosary before each weekday mass.
b.     All servers are required to be in the sacristy half an hour before their weekday mass and bring along their rosaries.

Saturday, November 03, 2012

Announcements 3rd – 4th Oct 2012, 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Nov has been published.
b.     There is no novena service next Sat, 10th Nov.

2.     Year of Faith
a.     In line with the parish activities in the Year of Faith, all servers secondary 1 and above are required to attend the 12 sessions on The Creed every alternate Fri evening at 8pm in the Parish Hall.  The second session is this Fri, 9th Nov.  Report at 755pm outside the sacristy.
b.     Attendance is compulsory.  Those unable to attend must inform their group leaders of their absence and provide a valid reason.
c.     There will be no sharing on Fridays where there is a session on the Creed.

3.     Sacrament of Confirmation
a.     The Sacrament of Confirmation for Sec 3 youths will be administered at the Saturday sunset mass on 10th Nov.
b.     Group 1 servers not rostered will be required to serve another mass.  These servers should inform the group leaders of the mass they wish to serve.
c.     Mass Team Roster has been updated.  All servers to check if they are on the roster and attend all trainings specified, otherwise the Head of Training, Joshua Wong, is to be notified. 
                                               i.     1st training – This Sun, 4th Nov, 230pm sharp
                                             ii.     2nd training – Next Sat, 10th Nov, 330pm sharp

4.     Rosary
a.     The society will continue the recitation of the rosary before each weekday mass.
b.     All servers are required to be in the sacristy half an hour before their weekday mass and bring along their rosaries.