Saturday, November 03, 2012

Announcements 3rd – 4th Oct 2012, 31st Sunday of Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Nov has been published.
b.     There is no novena service next Sat, 10th Nov.

2.     Year of Faith
a.     In line with the parish activities in the Year of Faith, all servers secondary 1 and above are required to attend the 12 sessions on The Creed every alternate Fri evening at 8pm in the Parish Hall.  The second session is this Fri, 9th Nov.  Report at 755pm outside the sacristy.
b.     Attendance is compulsory.  Those unable to attend must inform their group leaders of their absence and provide a valid reason.
c.     There will be no sharing on Fridays where there is a session on the Creed.

3.     Sacrament of Confirmation
a.     The Sacrament of Confirmation for Sec 3 youths will be administered at the Saturday sunset mass on 10th Nov.
b.     Group 1 servers not rostered will be required to serve another mass.  These servers should inform the group leaders of the mass they wish to serve.
c.     Mass Team Roster has been updated.  All servers to check if they are on the roster and attend all trainings specified, otherwise the Head of Training, Joshua Wong, is to be notified. 
                                               i.     1st training – This Sun, 4th Nov, 230pm sharp
                                             ii.     2nd training – Next Sat, 10th Nov, 330pm sharp

4.     Rosary
a.     The society will continue the recitation of the rosary before each weekday mass.
b.     All servers are required to be in the sacristy half an hour before their weekday mass and bring along their rosaries.