Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Message from Raphael Ng

Dear servers, current and retired,

I am pleased to inform you that our leaders have prayed about plans to initiate a structural change in the society over the next 2 years and the blueprint has been approved by both Fr. Brian and Fr. Bosco. Here are the points concerning the issue, in brief.

A new community, still unnamed, would be formed consisting of alumni members of both the Altar Servers and the Gift Bearers society. This community would be independent of the governance of both societies and aims to continually develop the spiritual growth of its members as they continue on their life journey as young adults. As it is the firm belief of both societies that community building and service to the Church should always be balanced, this new community would eventually assign all its members the post of Sacristan. In addition, members would be given the opportunity to serve the Altar Servers and Gift Bearers society in terms of mentoring and the planning of sessions that have more to do with spiritual development, community building, prayer and liturgy.

It is hoped that these would benefit all parties involved in various ways. For those in the servers, sacristan duties would eventually pass into the hands of the new community, allowing more time for its members to focus more on training, administration and other areas. Do note however, that this would take time and we expect the sacristan duties to be shared between the servers’ society and the new community during the initial phases.

Next, the new community is targeted at Servers and Gift Bearers above 18 years old. This is not to say that societies cannot have members older than 18, if they still feel the call to carry on serving. However, the appointment holders in the society would eventually be aged between 12 and 18 years old. Servers would be conferred apprenticeship to leadership posts at an earlier age, allowing them ample time to learn from their seniors, mature and serve their term. Hence, one’s term in office would neither be too brief nor too prolonged.

Thirdly, it is inevitable that we would eventually retire to make way for younger Servers and Gift Bearers. For those who have retired or are thinking of retirement and find that they are not called at this point to venture into a new ministry or community in the Parish, this new structure would provide an option for them to continue journeying together as young adults after their serving/gift bearing years. However, I would encourage all to pray about and discern their decision to join this new community. It is not a decision to be made out of mere sentimentality or a sheer sense of obligation.

Next, we will not exclude any non ex Servers and Gift Bearers who are willing to join this new community. However, we would make clear our expectations of the members in the community as stipulated by the constitution, which will eventually be drafted for approval.

Lastly, rest assured that the team involved in the building of this new community will still remain faithful to all their current duties as appointment holders as the new structure is established progressively. Along with our parish priests, we will do our best to ensure a transition which is as smooth as possible. Do let us know if you have any questions or feedback.

For the retired servers, Fr. Brian and I would like to encourage you to be part of our spiritual development efforts and join our servers on Friday evenings for our sharing sessions as well as to attend the Year of Faith talks with us, especially if you are considering if you should join this new community.

Do keep us in prayer.

Thank you and God Bless.

Raphael Ng
SFX Altar Servers’ Society