Saturday, April 20, 2013

Announcements 20th – 21st Apr 2012, Fourth Sunday of Easter

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Apr has been published.
b.     Group 1 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 27th Apr.
c.     All servers who have served weddings and funeral masses or services are required to submit the red packet declaration form whether or not they have received red packets.  Drop the form along with the red packets (if any) into the transparent box.  In the past month, many servers have forgotten to do so and have caused unnecessary inconvenience to the Head of Administration II, Justin Yeo and the Society Accountant, Rose Loh.

2.     Year of Faith
a.     Instead of the usual sharing this week, all servers secondary 1 and above are invited to attend the talk on the Creed entitled “The Public Life of Jesus” on Fri, 26th Apr at 8pm in the Parish Hall.  

3.     Passion Play
a.     The following cast are to return their costumes to the basket marked “Passion Play costumes” inside the flower room LATEST by this Sun, 21st Apr, 12pm.  Costumes must be folded neatly.
                                               i.     Ralph Nerva
                                             ii.     Tessa Galistan (Ethan Galistan to assist)

4.     Sacristans
a.     All sacristans are reminded to wash their hands clean before handling communion hosts.

5.     Retreat (HIGH IMPORTANCE)
a.     Retreat will be held from Mon, 3rd Jun to Wed, 5th June for servers secondary 1 and above at the IHM Retreat House.
b.     All servers secondary 1 and above are to obtain a copy of the consent form and submit it by latest Sun, 5th May whether one is able to attend or not.

6.     Parish Assembly (HIGH IMPORTANCE)
a.     The Parish Pastoral Council requires that all members from the various church ministries participate in the Parish Assembly on Wed, 1st May (Labour Day).  It will start with mass at 830am and last till 12pm.  Lunch will follow.
b.     For the Society, servers secondary 1 and above are to attend.  Attendance is compulsory-those unable to attend should have already submitted a letter of excuse.
c.     To allow the parish to cater the right quantity of food for lunch, all servers secondary 1 and above will by default be counted as attending unless their letter of excuse is submitted on time.