Saturday, July 13, 2013

Announcements 13th – 14th Jul 2012, Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for Jul has been published.  All are responsible to check. 
b.     Group 3 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 20th Jul.

2.     Sharing
a.     No Friday night sharing for servers secondary 1 and above this Fri, 19th Jul due to meeting for new Exco members.

3.     Retreat for priests (HIGH IMPORTANCE)
a.     The diocesan priests will have its annual retreat from Mon, 15th Jul to
Fri, 19th Jul.  We pray that they will be enriched spiritually and fruitfully at this retreat. During the period of retreat there will be no morning and evening mass.
b.     However Communion Service will be conducted at 6.30 am and 6.30 pm respectively for these five days and there IS morning mass on Sat 20th Jul.  Sacristans to set up as per normal.
c.     Servers are still required to attend at least one communion service or alternatively, serve mass on Saturday morning.  Spiritual preparation 30 minutes before service and attendance taking are to carry on as per normal.  Cassock is not required.  All Exco members and Group Leaders to ensure and comply.

4.     Proclaim 2013 
a.     There will be a Youth Conference held at the CAYC from the 8th to 10th August 2013.  Servers from ages 17 (this year)-25 are by default registered.  Those unable to attend are to let Raphael Ng know by 28th Jul with a reason.  The fees will be subsidised (60%) by the society fund and participants will only be required to pay $40.  More information can be found at the CAYC website, at

5.     Archbishop’s Cup
a.     The Society wishes to thank all players for their efforts in the Archbishop’s Cup.  Congratulations to the U-13 team that have won the champions trophy.
b.     Players are to return their WASHED jerseys/vests, FOLDED NEATLY, to the SERVERS’ CUPBOARD IN 3 THE SEPARATE STACKS according to colour by Sun, 14th Jul.
c.     Players who have not collected their baptism certificate are to do so as soon as possible from Nicholas Lim or Justin Yeo.