Saturday, August 24, 2013

Announcements 24th – 25th Aug 2013, Twenty First Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a. Special events roster for Aug has been published. All are responsible to check.
b. Group 4 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 31st Aug.

2. Sharing
a. Weekly Friday night sharing for servers secondary 1 and above is on this Fri, 30th Aug at 830pm.

3. Spiritual Director
a. Fr. Brian D’ Souza will be the Society’s Spiritual Director following the departure of Fr. John Bosco. Liturgical Matters will be handled by Fr. Gerard Weerakoon.

4. Contact List
a. The Society needs to verify the particulars in the contact list.
b. A copy of the latest version of the contact list is yet to be published but has been put up beside the sink. Servers are to ensure that they check their particulars before leaving the sacristy after mass.
c. If there is no error, servers to indicate “NIL”. However, if there are changes to be made, please write them neatly in pen, above the correction to be made. Strike out the information that wrong or no longer valid.
d. Group Leaders to assist in this exercise.
e. The 8 new servers will be issued a temporary contact list this weekend. The whole society will receive the most updated version once all have verified their particulars.

a. The Altar Servers Canteen is on next Sun, 1st Sep.
b. Servers are to deliver their food contribution to the canteen on the day itself by 7am.
c. For cash contributions, servers are to enclose the cash in an envelope, write their name and amount contributed on it and drop it into the transparent box in the sacristy.
d. Be in servers T-shirt.
e. Canteen rosters have been published. All are expected to adhere strictly to the rosters, report punctually and leave only when their allocated time is up. This is to prevent overcrowding or manpower shortage during each slot.
f. Perform a swap and notify an Exco member if you cannot make it for your time slot. Servers are not exempted from their normal mass duties or catechism class. Inform Gerard Nagulendran immediately if there are any problems with the roster.

6. Investiture administration
a. The newly invested servers will be posted to the mass groups as such:
i. Postings
1. Group 1- Cadenn Nalpon
2. Group 2- Pio Lee, Josiah Leong
3. Group 4- Nishanth Vijayan, Juan Nickson, Ryan Nerva
4. Group 5- Joseph Low, Alphonsus Phoon
ii. New servers are reminded to be punctual for weekend masses, half an hour before the mass time for spiritual preparation.
iii. Attendance IC (David de Souza) is to key in these names into new attendance sheets for September. For this weekend, the names will be handwritten by Group Leaders at the bottom of each attendance sheet.
b. Head of Administration I (Sean Chan) to arrange for the fitting and issuing of capes and sashes for all new servers by Sun, 8 Sep.

7. Circular to parents
a. A circular addressed to all parents of servers has been published. Please take home a copy and return the acknowledgement slip to on the last page via the transparent box by Sun, 8th Sep.