Saturday, August 10, 2013


1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events) a. Special events roster for Aug has been published. All are responsible to check. b. Group 2 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 17th Aug.
 2. Sharing a. There is Friday night sharing for servers secondary 1 and above on Fri, 16th Aug. 3. Investiture and Canteen Forms (HIGH IMPORTANCE)
a. The Investiture for new Altar Servers and Society Dinner is on the evening of Sat, 17th Aug while the Canteen is on Sun, 1st Sep. A full society mass will be held. Please check the roster to see if you are serving on the sanctuary. Training HAS BEEN POSTPONED to Sun, 11th Aug from 2pm to 4pm.
 b. ALL SERVERS should have already submitted the forms. 4. Feast of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary a. Masses are on Wed, 14th Aug and Thu, 15th Aug. Rosters are published on the noticeboard and blog.
 c. Servers who need to request for a change in mass time, please perform an early swap with another server and approach an Exco Member to inform them of the change. Exco Members are not responsible to find swaps for servers. Duty Sacristans can only swap with trained sacristans and Duty Leaders with a Group Leader or Exco Member.
d. Servers who are unable to serve any mass are to fill in and submit the letter of excuse.
 e. Masses are not counted as a weekday mass. The Feast is a Holy Day of Obligation.
 f. Servers who need a letter of exemption from school are to approach Zachary Clunies Ross with their school name, principal name, class and index number by Sat, 10th Aug. Last requests will not be entertained.
 g. Capes and sashes are required. Please be in the sacristy 30 minutes before mass.