Friday, October 04, 2013

Announcements 5th – 6th Oct 2013, Twenty Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time



Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
Special events roster for OCTOBER has been published.  All servers to note that using Facebook as a platform to find a replacement if they need to isdiscouraged because the chance of anyone replying is extremely low.  Calling and asking someone to serve on your behalf and then promising to return the favour in future works best.        
Group 5 servers will be serving the Novena servicenext Sat, 12th Oct.
The Group Leaders department has embarked on a project to address the issue of low attendance for Novena services.  The first phase of this project will last 5 weeks as there are 5 groups.  For each week, those who are unable to serve are required to submit a detailed letter of excuse.  For those requiring a permanent excuse, a detailed letter must also be submitted (Ignore this if you have already done so).  Long term excuses for novena service will only be valid until the end of each year.  Servers who do not submit their letter of excuse will have their names recorded for further action.


Consecration of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the New Evangelisation – SFX Triduum (HIGH IMPORTANCE)
Our Holy Father Pope Francis has requested all churches to consecrate the World to the Immaculate Heart if Mary on 13th Oct and all parishes in Singapore will be celebrating this event with a triduum from Wed, 9th Oct to Fri, 11th Oct.
Due to the above event, the evening masses this Wed, (9th Oct) Thu (10th Oct) and Fri (11th Oct) will be at 8pm and NOT 630pm.
Sacristans to open church latest by 7pm as parishioners would be carrying out a rosary session at 730pm.
A roster has been published for the triduum.  All are required to check.  If you are unable to serve on your allocated day, please swap with another server.  The triduum mass is counted as a weekday mass.  Servers not on the roster are allowed to serve if they wish to.
Duty Leaders to carry out weekday spiritual preparation as usual at 730pm.
Head of Training Joshua Wong needs to find out the format of the mass and inform all duty leaders.
Head of Sacristans Andre Dumont needs to find out what has to be set up for mass and inform the duty sacristans  


Sharing is cancelled this Fri, 11th Oct due to the Triduum mass.


The society will revert to the practise of lifting the celebrant’s chasuble as if he sits any time after distributing communion.  Only the PAs are required to stand up, lift the chasuble and bow before sitting down.




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