Saturday, January 25, 2014

Announcements 18th Jan – 19th Jan 2014, Third Sunday after Epiphany

Note: All servers are responsible to check and note these announcements.  As announcements are put on the blog, there should not be any reason for servers not to check even when they are not present over the weekend, unless they are unable to obtain an internet connection when overseas.  Group Leaders are not to skip the reading of any announcement and should elaborate where necessary.  



Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
Special events roster for FEBRUARY has beenupdated.  All to check.  Servers to note that they will NOT BE CALLED BY THE SPECIAL EVENTS IC in future.  The Group Leader will announce the names on the roster as a reminder during debrief (attached behind).  After announcing, the Group Leader is to tick the name of the server on the attached roster.  The Group 5 leader is to inform the Special Events IC immediately if by the last Sunday evening of the month, there are names which are not yet ticked.  The Special Events IC will then make the necessary phone calls.  The attached roster is NOT TO BE DISCARDED BUT ATTACHED TO EACH WEEKEND’S ANNOUNCEMENTS until replaced by the roster for the following month.
It is still the primary responsibility of the server to still check the noticeboard and find a replacement if he is unable to serve.  
Group 1 servers will be serving the Novena servicenext Sat, 1st Feb.
The following servers HAVE NOT VERIFIED their particulars on the contact list beside the sink and should do so immediately after debrief.  Correct any errors.  Once checked, servers are to sign on the rightmost column.  Group Leaders to ensure. Zachary Clunies Ross will consolidate all data and remove the sheets after the Sunday evening mass on 26 Jan.
Ashwin Vijayan
Divyan Vijayan
Joshua de Souza
Nishanth Vijayan
Reuel Theseira
Timothy Wong
Servers are reminded to mark their own attendance for weekday mass and submit a letter of excuse if they are unable to fulfil their weekday and/or weekend duty and/or novena service.
Any server who has to serve a mass outside his usual weekend mass must inform their own Group Leader and the Group Leader of the mass they switch to and also PROVIDE A VALID REASON. Leaders may reject the switch if they feel that the reason provided is not valid.


Sharing for servers secondary 1 and above is cancelled this Fri, 31 Jan.





Chinese New Year
Mass rosters for Chinese New Year (Fri, 31 Jan, 830am and 1030am) have been published.  All to check.  These count as weekday masses.  Servers to bring their cape and sash.
There will be no roster for Chinese New Year Eve (Thu, 30 Jan, 630am) and 2nd day of Chinese New Year (Sat, 1 Feb, 830am).  These masses will be treated as normal weekday masses.
There is NO 630pm evening mass on Chinese New Year Eve (Thu, 30 Jan)


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