Saturday, January 04, 2014

Announcements 4th Jan – 5th Jan 2014, Solemnity of the Epiphany of The Lord

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for January has been updated.  All to check.  Servers to note that they will only be CALLED ONCE BY THE SPECIAL EVENTS IC in future, when they are placed on the roster towards the end of the month.  Special Events IC will NO LONGER provide any additional reminders just before the date of the special event as servers are responsible to check and note the schedule.
b.     Group 3 servers will be serving the Novena service next Sat, 11th Jan.
c.     Benedict Koh will be taking a leave of absence for the year 2014 due to personal reasons.  Nigel Chew has been appointed acting Vice President in his place until a new permanent Vice President has been elected.
d.     Dominic Lim will be continuing his studies in New Zealand from Feb 2014 onwards.  Do keep him in prayer.
e.     The following servers have retired as of January 2014.  Do keep them in prayer.
                                               i.     Brandon Ong
                                             ii.     Carlos Limpo
                                            iii.     Darren Ong  
                                            iv.     Jonathan Ho
                                              v.     Joshua Wee
                                            vi.     Julian M Chitty
                                           vii.     Matthew Tan
                                         viii.     Timothy Yeap
f.      All servers are to verify EVERY SINGLE DETAIL of their particulars on the contact list beside the sink.  Correct any errors.  Once checked, servers are to sign on the rightmost column.  Group Leaders to ensure. 

2.     Sharing
a.     Sharing for servers secondary 1 and above will be held on 10th Jan at 830pm.  All new Sec 1 servers are strongly encouraged to participate.

3.     Sale of Chinese New Year Cookies
a.     3 weekends of sales will be held starting from the Sat, 4th Jan.
b.     Rosters have been posted up.  As there few servers per shift, servers are responsible to find a replacement and swap if they are unable to turn up for their duty.  A valid reason should be given and an Exco member informed. Servers are expected to be punctual for their duties and are only to leave when dismissed by their ICs.  Servers to wear their servers T-shirt and report directly to the church porch
c.     ICs that are assigned are Exco members and Group Leaders and most will be on duty more than once.  They are to swap amongst themselves only, if they are unable to turn up for their duty.

4.     Training
a.     All Group Leaders to re-teach the method and meaning of the sign of the cross according to the poster next to the sanctuary door (reader’s side).
b.     Servers are to bring along and use their rosary for weekday spiritual preparation.  All Exco and Group Leaders to lead by example.
c.     The server assigned for thanksgiving is to wait for the priest to restore the Blessed Sacrament to the tabernacle before coming out to wait on the priest.  Hence, he will not obstruct the priest.

5.     Christmas Gift Exchange
a.     Last call for any servers who did not find their gifts in the transparent boxes or have received an extra gift.  These servers are to notify Sean Chan immediately after debrief.  Only these servers have reported missing presents.
                                               i.     Nicholas Koh
                                             ii.     Gerald Tan
b.     According to the missing presents, the following servers have not submitted their presents and are to do so by Sun, 5th Jan otherwise they will forfeit their own presents.
                                               i.     Colin Hernandez
                                             ii.     Martin Hernandez
c.     The following servers have not collected their presents and are to do so immediately.  Presents may be forfeited and given to a server who is missing a present if not collected by Sun, 5th Jan.  If you find that you have more than one present, please only take one home.
                                               i.     Alphonsus Phoon 
                                             ii.     Colin Hernandez
                                            iii.     Ethan Hernandez
                                            iv.     Gabriel Yong
                                              v.     Jonathan Ho
                                            vi.     Jonathan Ng
                                           vii.     Jonathan Ng
                                         viii.     Martin Hernandez
                                            ix.     Matthew Ch’ng
                                              x.     Shane Nalpon

6.     Cassock Exchange
a.     If a server had not received a cassock of an appropriate size by Tue, 31st Dec, he is to contact Sean Chan immediately.
b.     Servers are reminded not to leave their cassock in the sacristy for more than 12 hours.  All special concessions will expire with immediate effect.