Friday, August 01, 2014

Announcements 26th – 27th Jul 2014, Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a. Please remember to check the special events rosters.
b. Group 2 will be serving the novena service next Sat, 2nd Aug.
c. Group 2 will be serving Holy Thursday NEXT Thursday 7th Aug .
2. Canteen
a. Servers who have not submitted their cash contributions are to do so immediately after debrief. Enclose money in an envelope with name and amount, drop it into the transparent box
3. Sharing
a. Fri, 31st Jul at 830pm - Sharing for servers Secondary 1 and above as per normal.
4. Love and Responsibility series
a. These servers have not submitted their form and are to note that the form must be signed by one’s parent or guardian (if one is below 21 years old) and submitted latest this Sun, 27th Jul.
i. Ashwin Vijayan
ii. Bryan Khoo
iii. Bryan Tan
iv. Dennis Wee
v. Gabriel Yong
vi. Geoffrey Tan
vii. Gerald Tan
viii. Ian Quek
ix. Ivan Khoo
x. Jonah Teo
xi. Joshua Wong
xii. Justin Yeo
xiii. Nicholas Lim
xiv. Randall Paul
xv. Zachery Chan
5. Other important matters
a. All servers to note the consumption of non-consecrated communion hosts and altar wine for frivolous reasons is strictly prohibited. All offenders will be subject to disciplinary action.
b. Please be reminded that red packet declaration forms are to be filled in and dropped into the transparent box after all special events masses, even if no red packets are given.