Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Announcements 4th – 5th Oct 2014, Twenty Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

1.     Administration (Rosters and Special Events)
a.     Special events roster for OCTOBER has been updated.  All are responsible to check.  Leaders are reminded to TICK the names of those on the list attached.
b.     Group 2 will be serving the novena service next Sat, 11th Oct.

2.     Love and Responsibility Series
a.     Love and Responsibility Series for servers secondary 2 and above will be on this Fri, 10th Oct at 830pm in the Saints Mary and Martha room.

3.     Juniors Retreat 2014
a.     All servers Primary 6 and below are to inform their parents that their retreat will be held from 16th to 18th Dec.  Venue will be in SFX Church.  Servers are requested to plan their schedules around these dates as far as possible.

4.     Liturgy
a.     Servers kneeling after receiving Communion may sit as soon as the Priest even if not the Celebrant returns to the Altar.
b.     Servers are reminded to bow their heads in reverence at the Collect and Prayer after communion, till “Amen” is said.
c.     Group Leaders are to demonstrate how the mike should be placed at the left corner of the altar with the mike head facing the altar without touching.  This is to prevent the priest’s vestments from brushing against the mike and creating noise.
d.     The stole is to be hung on top of the chasuble or cope when these vestments are put on a hangar.