Sunday, November 09, 2014

Announcements 7th – 8th Nov 2014, Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

1. Administration (Rosters and Special Events)

a. Special events roster for NOVEMBER has been updated. All are responsible to check. Leaders are reminded to TICK the names of those on the list attached.

b. Group 2 will be serving the novena service next Sat, 15th Nov.

c. Servers who have ended their exams are to serve 2 weekday masses, with at least one being a morning mass or a special events mass that starts in the morning.

d. Group Leaders are expected to acknowledge and record all VRs dated Sep 2014 and later near the sink immediately after mass and before they leave. Due to inaction, this has led to unnecessary and unsightly clutter there. David de Souza can only file in these records once every single entry has been acknowledged by a Group Leader.

e. Servers are reminded that it is their responsibility to check the announcements even if they are not present for the weekend. The announcements can be found on Facebook or on the blog. However, if one is unable to secure an internet connection e.g. overseas on holiday, he is responsible to inform his Group Leader to keep him updated of any important updates.

2. Mass hopping

a. As the school holidays are approaching, servers are reminded that they are not allowed to swap masses as they please out of mere convenience. Examples of reasons that will not be accepted by Group Leaders are these.

i. Serving the Saturday sunset mass just because one’s group is serving the Novena service before that.

ii. Serving another mass time just because there is no catechism class during the holidays.

3. Sharing

a. Sharing for all servers secondary 1 and above will be held this Fri, 14th Nov at 830pm.

4. Juniors Retreat 2014

a. All servers Primary 6 and below are to return their consent form by this Sun, 9 Nov whether one is able to attend or not. Venue will be in SFX Church. Servers are requested to plan their schedules around these dates as far as possible.

5. Liturgy (IMPORTANT)

a. It has been noticed that some servers do not participate during the responses at mass e.g. not saying “and with your spirit” at the appropriate times.

b. It has also been noticed that some servers still do not bow their heads when the celebrant invites all to pray at the Collect and Prayer after communion.

c. In addition, others keep their heads up and observe the congregation instead of praying after they have received communion and returned to kneel at their seats.

d. Servers who are practising such habits are to rectify them immediately. Group Leaders to teach and ensure.

6. Discipline (IMPORTANT)

a. Servers and sacristans are reminded that the failure to report for a special events mass without a valid reason will not be taken lightly. This is because there is a much higher risk that all duty servers are absent as compared to other masses. In addition, an absent sacristan may cause a major delay to the start of that mass/service.

b. To allow sacristans and servers to make amends if through their own fault, they have missed their duty,

i. The server/sacristan will be warned verbally by the President and assigned for one additional special events mass if this is their first mistake of the year.

ii. The server/sacristan will be warned verbally by the President and assigned for two additional special events masses if this is their second mistake of the year.

iii. If this occurs a third time in the year, the server will be liable for further disciplinary action.

c. Efforts are made to ensure servers are given at least one weekend before the special event to find a replacement if they cannot report for their duties. If this is not possible, special events ICs have been briefed to call affected servers to inform them. The special events ICs are not responsible to find a replacement for a server unless under extreme circumstances e.g. major illness, accident.