Saturday, May 31, 2008

Announcements 31 May 1 June 9th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1.   Please return the Serangoon District Games Day consent form by this Sunday if you are interested to attend. The games day is not compulsory, but you are encouraged to attend.

2.   For the Games Day on 5th June, meet in church at 8am sharp, and we will take public bus to St Anne’s Church. Bring your ez-link card.

3.   Look the server in the eye when you wish each other the sign of peace.

4.   Servers on readers’ side need not genuflect after returning the communion plate, just go back to your seat and kneel.

5.   If you cannot serve mass due to school activities, holidays or some valid reasons please fill in the letter of excuse.

6.   Since it is the school holidays, you are highly encouraged to serve weekday morning masses.


Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Announcement Trinity Sunday 17th-18th May

 1. For Corpus Christi procession next Sunday, all servers are to be in the basement chapel by 9am, bring a bible, cape and sash. Rostered Group 3 servers are to serve the 9am mass next Sunday.

2.   Corpus Christi mass training for servers serving on the altar is on This Sunday at 3.30pm.

3.   The Parents’ Briefing for the Retreat is This Sunday at 2pm at the Parish Hall, remind your parents to attend if they are attending.

4.   Servers who are going for holidays or camps or unable to serve their mass due to valid reason are to fill up the letter of excuse.

5.   Servers who need a new servers’ T-shirt are to see Luke to try the sample.




Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Corpus Christi 2008

Corpus Christi Procession 2008
Sunday 25th May 2008, 10.45am
Whole Society Mass

Bryan Lee
Bryan Ong
Dominic Lim
Edward Tan
Gerard Nagulendran
Jeremy Wong
Joel Moosa
Justin Quah
Kenneth Tan
Kevin Ngo
Matthew Ch'ng
Nicholas Lim
Nigel Chew
Raphael Ng
Raphael Theisera
Sean Chan
Shawn Wong
Sherman Lim
Timothy Loi
Timothy Wong

1. The abovementioned Servers are to serve from the Sanctuary
2. All other Servers are to serve from the pews
3. Training for Servers serving from the Sanctuary on Sunday 18th May at 3.30pm
4. All Servers are to report to the Basement Chapel by 9am
5. Cape and Sash is required
6. Group 1-3 and Group 5 servers are still required to serve their normal Sunday Mass.
7. Bring a Bible

Monday, May 12, 2008

10-11 May Pentecost Sunday

1. The Corpus Christi roster is on the cupboard, check if you are serving on the altar, the rest of the servers are serving on the pews, bring cape and sash. Group 1 to 4 servers are to serve their usual weekend masses. Bring your bible on Corpus Christi.
2. Corpus Christi mass training for servers serving on the altar is on 18 May, Sunday at 3.30pm, and 23rd May, Fri at 8pm.
3. The Parents’ Briefing for the Retreat is Next Sunday at 2pm at the Parish Hall, remind your parents to attend if they are attending.
4. Servers who still have not handed in the Retreat and Parents’ Briefing consent must hand it up by This Sunday, the latest.

Sunday, May 04, 2008

Annoucement 3-4 May 7th Sunday of Easter

1. Due to the upcoming exams, demerit points will not be issued to servers who did not serve their weekday mass this week. However, demerit points will still be issued to servers who did not serve their Ascension Day mass.
2. This is a final reminder for servers who have not done their cassock exchange, to get their cassocks by this week.
3. There is no Altar Servers’ meeting Next Sunday due to Mothers’ Day.
4. Servers who still have not handed in the Retreat and Parents’ Briefing consent must hand it up by this week.

Friday, May 02, 2008

Retreat Consent Form

The Retreat consent form, which includes the details of the Retreat as well as the packing list, is now available for download in the sidebar under "Downloads".