Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Announcement Trinity Sunday 17th-18th May

 1. For Corpus Christi procession next Sunday, all servers are to be in the basement chapel by 9am, bring a bible, cape and sash. Rostered Group 3 servers are to serve the 9am mass next Sunday.

2.   Corpus Christi mass training for servers serving on the altar is on This Sunday at 3.30pm.

3.   The Parents’ Briefing for the Retreat is This Sunday at 2pm at the Parish Hall, remind your parents to attend if they are attending.

4.   Servers who are going for holidays or camps or unable to serve their mass due to valid reason are to fill up the letter of excuse.

5.   Servers who need a new servers’ T-shirt are to see Luke to try the sample.




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