Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Corpus Christi 2008

Corpus Christi Procession 2008
Sunday 25th May 2008, 10.45am
Whole Society Mass

Bryan Lee
Bryan Ong
Dominic Lim
Edward Tan
Gerard Nagulendran
Jeremy Wong
Joel Moosa
Justin Quah
Kenneth Tan
Kevin Ngo
Matthew Ch'ng
Nicholas Lim
Nigel Chew
Raphael Ng
Raphael Theisera
Sean Chan
Shawn Wong
Sherman Lim
Timothy Loi
Timothy Wong

1. The abovementioned Servers are to serve from the Sanctuary
2. All other Servers are to serve from the pews
3. Training for Servers serving from the Sanctuary on Sunday 18th May at 3.30pm
4. All Servers are to report to the Basement Chapel by 9am
5. Cape and Sash is required
6. Group 1-3 and Group 5 servers are still required to serve their normal Sunday Mass.
7. Bring a Bible

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