Monday, June 30, 2008

Annoucements 28-28th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. The annual Servers’ Investiture is on 27 July, Sunday, at the 10.45am mass, all servers are excused from catechism class on that day to serve that mass.

2. Please hand in the Investiture consent form by latest 6 July, next Sunday.

3. The Investiture roster is on the cupboard, please check if you are serving on the altar.

4. There has been a change for offertory, a water bowl will replace the water jug, so servers only need to hold the bowl, there is no change for the finger towel.

5. When serving your masses, make sure your hands are properly placed, and if you have to place your hand on your chest, make sure THERE IS NO GAP between your fingers.

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