Saturday, September 27, 2008

Annoucements 27-28th September 26th Sunday in Ordinary times

1. All Altar Servers are to wear the Black Servers Polo T-Shirt on This Sunday.

2. All Altar Servers are exempted from Catechism Classes This Sunday, to help out in the canteen.

3. All servers are reminded to follow the canteen roster accordingly, and report to your respective committee member.

4. Nicholas Phang has step down as the Assistant Leader of Group 1, Matthew Phua will replace Nicholas Phang as the New Assistant Leader of Group 1.

5. There has been a change of the Heads of 2 sub-committee, Nicholas Lim will be the New Head of Group Leaders, and Raphael Ng will be the new Head of Facilitators.

6. For weekend masses, cross and torch bearers are to go into the sacristy at the start of the announcements to prepare for the procession at the end of mass. They are to bow together before going into the sacristy.

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