Sunday, October 05, 2008

Annoucement 4-5 October 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time

1. The wedding roster is up on the cupboard, please check if you are serving. Servers who cannot serve their rostered wedding masses are to inform Matthew Ch’ng.

2. The roster for the mass for the sick is also up on the cupboard, please check if you are serving.

3. Servers will have to serve 2 weekday masses once their holiday starts, we will appreciate if more servers could serve morning masses.

4. For weekend masses, cross and torch bearers are to go into the sacristy at the start of the announcements to prepare for the procession at the end of mass. They are to bow together before going into the sacristy.

5. The Altar Servers’ Canteen last Sunday was a success, the Ex-Co would like to thank the servers and the parents who have helped out in the canteen one way or another.

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